Born in 1985 in Yawata-city, Kyoto prefecture. Graduated from Kyoto Seika University majoring in design with the specialization of product communication design. Started categorizing and naming grasses growing around the city during his student time and made illustrated guides and picture books based on these findings.
Is at the same time involved in the project eMachikusa Workshopf, an on the road exhibition program where participants are able to discover machikusa around town themselves. Has toured as professor Machikusa giving these workshops at more than a 100 places, such as elementary schools and other local institutions. Started the eMachikusa Travel Projectf from 2013 onwards around Japan and was able to hold exhibitions and presentations about this project afterwards. Currently investigates ways to carry out this project within the field of eCreating new values for townsf.
Member of NPO (Non Profit Organization) Anewal Gallery. Involved in various art events and projects as artist and director. Editor and designer of the free magazine eTemiruf of Art Activities Promotion Plan Juno, a NPO that aims to connect people of Kyoto to art through workshops and lectures.
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